I went to TAQG Rally Day last Saturday. (Texas Association of Quilt Guilds) I had never attended before because it usually conflicts with family vacation.
Pat Speth of Nickel Quilt fame was the speaker and she gave two very interesting and informative lectures. She will be lecturing at Bear Creek Guild in Sept and I am going to take her workshop.
We received a goodie bag with contributions from the different guilds when we arrived. Below are the fabrics (fatquarter, fat sixteenths, and nickels) I received. There were other items in the goodie bag but I didn't snap a picture.
what a lot of scrappy goodness!
I used these fabrics to add new life to my 1.5 inch strips as I finished up my pineapple blocks. It is so fun to add a new fabric. I now have 90 blocks and I have been trying to decide whether to make more or add borders. I think I have an idea for a border and am anxious to get this to a completed top stage.
Pat Speth of Nickel Quilt fame was the speaker and she gave two very interesting and informative lectures. She will be lecturing at Bear Creek Guild in Sept and I am going to take her workshop.
We received a goodie bag with contributions from the different guilds when we arrived. Below are the fabrics (fatquarter, fat sixteenths, and nickels) I received. There were other items in the goodie bag but I didn't snap a picture.
what a lot of scrappy goodness!
I used these fabrics to add new life to my 1.5 inch strips as I finished up my pineapple blocks. It is so fun to add a new fabric. I now have 90 blocks and I have been trying to decide whether to make more or add borders. I think I have an idea for a border and am anxious to get this to a completed top stage.